Just thought I might
I feel like I should talk about all the things that have happened between
the last time I wrote and now. But that's just not possible. And I'm so out
of pr...
Ultimo banco 233. “Suonala ancora, San”
Ad Asterix devo la mia passione per la lettura. Ne divoravo le avventure e
l’immancabile finale con il grande banchetto sotto le stelle e
Assurancetourix, ...
Trump’s hat tip to citizen journalism
My latest on *American Thinker.*
*It’s taken a Republican administration to change the crumbling media
status quo in Washington. *
The news that the Whit...
Tra le braccia di Molly Malone
Siete mai stati a Dublino? è bellissima, se vai lasci un pezzetto di cuore
e la restante parte che riporti con te assume un bel colore verde smeraldo.
Leggere in vacanza
Non ho mai amato le letture impegnate anche se non le disdegno anzi, ma in
vacanza non parlatemi di leggere qualcosa di impegnativo perché il mio
On a mission from God and I'm up in alms!
(See what I did there?)
Performance art is overrated.
Hi all, how have you been doing? I hope well. I have been, um, busy!
Let's see, I've been--
1. ...
I could have said it too!
How many times we hear a statement, a remark and we think "Hey, I could
have said it too!"
How many times we complain within our heart because all simple t...
"... Tra qualche mese i nostri sedicenti "santi" della Camera dei Comuni
vareranno una delle lor...
Where do we go from here?
As with all things littleitalyblogspot's time has come and gone. Over the
past fifteen months the blog has circulated the globe and been read by
people in ...
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bla bal alb
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